Vabljeno predavanje APS2 in Lalginar: Bogdán Zaválnij

Submitted by mjekovec on Thu, 05/29/2014 - 15:37

V četrtek, 29. maja 2014 ob 7:30 bo pri predmetu Algoritmi in podatkovne strukture 2 vabljeno predavanje Bogdána Zaválnija z Univerze v Pecsi, Madžarska. Govoril bo o metodah Monte Carlo in Las Vegas ter o vzporednem okolju MPI. Prikazal bo tudi zagon algoritmov na njihovem super računalniku.

Povezava do prosojnic.

V petek, 30. maja 2014 ob 11h v prostorih LALG pa bo imel predavanje v sklopu LALGinarja na drugo temo:

Povzetek predavanja Lalginar: Different Coloring Methods — theoretical and experimental approach:

Edge free, or legal coloring proved to be most useful in practical
NP-hard discrete optimization problem solving like searching the
maximum clique in a simple graph. As the legal coloring itself an
NP-hard problem, we usually use some approximate coloring scheme as
for example the DSatur method from Daniel Brelaz. Then we use the
given coloring for preconditioning and pruning in our algorithms.

The usefulness of the legal coloring opens up the possibility to seek
for alternative coloring methods, which would serve the same role of
pruning and preconditioning, but hopefully in a more effective way.

In my talk I would like to present our recent research results on
different edge coloring and node coloring schemes. These proved not
only give better upper bounds as the legal coloring, but could be used
for solving other discrete optimization problems as the problem of
search for the maximum transitive tournament.

Nekaj besed o predavatelju:

I started teaching at the University of Pecs in 2006, where I give
lectures and seminars in Parallel Programming, Operating Systems,
Programming methods, Algorithms and Data Structures. My field of
research is practical solutions for NP-hard discrete optimization
problems, on which I work together with professor Sandor Szabo, with
whom we have published several papers in this topic. For the purpose
of testing our algorithms we use the supercomputers in Pecs and
Finland. I also have recently finished a monograph on parallel
programming with MPI with detailed examples.

Povezava do prosojnic.

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