Prof. dr. Janez Žibert med prejemniki državnega priznanja

Submitted by andy on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 01:32

Predsednik države Borut Pahor je danes izročil priznanje Jabolko navdiha sodelavkam in sodelavcem projekta Sledilnik. Med sodelavci je tudi član LUSY prof. dr. Janez Žibert, ki sodeluje v projektu z napovedovanje poteka pandemije z modelom SEIR.

Sprejem pri predsedniku republike

Napovedovanje poteka pandemije z modelom SEIR

Submitted by andy on Thu, 08/13/2020 - 22:55
Sodelavec Laboratorija za vseprisotne sisteme na UL FRI prof. dr. Janez Žibert se je vključil v aktivnosti za napovedovanje epidemije COVID-19 na nacionalni ravni in je med drugim sodeloval s strokovno skupino pod vodstvom dr. Bojane Beović.

Happy New year 2020!

Submitted by mjekovec on Fri, 12/27/2019 - 19:00

The gods who own Olympusas dwelling-place,
deathless, made first of mortals a Golden Race,
(this was the time when Kronos in heaven dwelt),
and they lived like gods and no sorrow of heart they felt.
Nothing for toil or pitiful age they cared,
but in strength of hand and foot still unimpaired
they feasted gaily, undarkened by sufferings.
They died as if falling asleep; and all good things
were theirs, for the fruitful earth unstintingly bore
unforced her plenty, and they, amid their store

lusy foto 2019