From Monday 20th to Friday 24th June LUSY will host an invited speaker from the University of Chile. dr. Jeremy Barbay will have two talks: on Tuesday 21st June at 11h at LALGinar, and Thursday 23rd June at 11h at FRI piškot titled Optimal Prefix Free Codes with Partial Sorting.
Announcement: European Workshop on Computational Geometry - EuroCG 2015
Faculty of Computer and Information Science and Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, organize an European Workshop on Computational Geometry EuroCG 2015. The conference will be held in Ljubljana 15-18 March 2015. Registration and more information on the conference website.
Announcement: Ljubljana Algorithms and Data Structures Summer School 2014
We invite all graduate students, as well as researchers interested in an in-depth introduction to algorithms and data structures to The Ljubljana Algorithms and Data Structures Summer School 2014 - LADS3 2014. The summer school will take place on September 1-5, 2014 at the new building of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science.
Invited lectures APS2 and Lalginar: Bogdán Zaválnij
Bogdán Zaválnij, University of Pécs, Hungary will have an invited lecture at Algorithms and data structures 2 course on Thursday, 29 May 2014 at 7:30 in Lecture room 2, Tržaška 25. He will talk about the Monte Carlo and Las Vegas methods and about the parallel programming using MPI. He will also demonstrate the execution of algorithms on one of their super computers.
Link to the APS2 slides.
LALGinar: Model-based testing for reactive systems. Intelligent approaches.
On Friday, May 9th, at 11:00 in LALG there was a presentation by Annamária Szenkovits, a guest PhD student at our lab. The talk is summarized below.
Model-based testing for reactive systems. Intelligent approaches.
PhD thesis disposition presentation - Andrej Tolič
Andrej Tolič will present his PhD thesis disposition titled Efficient deduplication in distributed storage systems. The presentation will take place on Wednesday 7th May 2014 at 20:30 in Lecture room 11.
The presentation will be recorded and streamed online using Arnes Vox:
Miklós Krész - 62nd Seminar FRI: Dynamic network mining and business intelligence
On Tuesday, 24 April, 2014 at 12.15 in PR-08, the 62nd seminar FRI will be hosted by the Faculty of Computer and Information science. The lecture will be given by dr. Miklós Krész from the University of Szeged.
Presentation: Daniela Maftuleac - Shortest path problem in rectangular complexes of global non-positive curvature
Daniela Maftuleac, a visiting researcher at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science will be having a talk titled "Shortest path problem in rectangular complexes of global non-positive curvature". The seminar will take place on Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 12:15 in "Plemljev Seminar" room, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Jadranska 19.